
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Snowy Owl near Regina, Saskatchewan

Two Snowy Owls so far this winter near Regina, Saskatchewan. At least, that's all I've seen in the area northwest of the city, and I believe they are the same Arctic birds, as each is always in the same place on the prairie, making me suspect they've chosen their winter-in-the-south territory.

I saw this Snowy Owl, below, first on New Year's Day, and then again in early February — on what I swear is the exact same power pole! (At the same small bend in the same rural road, anyway.)

Snowy Owl, on the road to Pense, Saskatchewan  © SB

Based on its extensive dark markings (and what All About Birds has to say about that), I would guess it's an immature female. From what I can see, young female Snowy Owls are the most heavily barred with black.

I love these birds! They make me happy when I just drive by them!

And while so far, I haven't seen any signs of an irruption of the scale we saw here during winter 2011/12 — during which I saw them within 15 minutes on every road I took outside of Regina! — I am just so happy any time I leave the city and receive the gift of seeing a Snowy Owl in a field or on a power pole. (They seem to love power poles — height, hunting viewpoints, and few entanglements for their six-foot wingspan.)

This owl, for those wondering, was about half an hour west of Regina; my other owl (who likes hanging out in heavy, unphotographable glare or shadow) is just a few minutes away.

For pictures of Snowy Owls from last year, you might be interested in these from this blog and Latitude Drifts, one of my other blogs:

What is this? Snowy Owl.
Location: Near Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada (on the road to the Town of Pense). 
Photo date: February 4, 2013. 



  1. Wow Shelley, what a treat!! I don't think I've ever seen a Snowy Owl but I now know to watch the power poles! She is a beauty... even if she appears to be giving you 'the look'. :)

  2. Thanks, Tracy! There were a huge number around last winter, though I don't remember seeing them before that. And yes, the trick is to look at the tops of power poles. These are very big birds, so they stand out!

  3. Hi, I love your picture. I am very interested to tak some pictures of tha wonderfull owl. I am in Regina so if I go outside the town is good? Any Timor the day is ok? I will try Saturday o go on th road to Moose Jaw .
    Thank tpu very much

    1. Thanks! I haven't seen any Snowy Owls yet this year, but I've heard of people seeing them south of the city. Last year and the year before, I saw them at any point during the day, dawn to dusk. They like flat open areas, so you might see them on the way to Moose Jaw. Good luck!

  4. I have seen 2 for the last 2 winters. My latest sighting was dec 1, on the Grid road towards rouleau off hwy#6. Just on the side of the road. I feel blessed to have seen them now that I have realized they are a rare find!


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