
Sunday, September 8, 2013

American Kestrels: Tiny Falcons in Regina

American Kestrel watches my neighborhood
from the top of a tree. © SB 
This evening, several American Kestrels flew over our Regina, Saskatchewan, house and landed on the highest tips on the neighbours trees.

At least, I thought these mighty little birds were Kestrels, based on their size and markings.

But they are difficult to see when they fly fast and far, and so it wasn't until my camera captured the proof that I believed my first identification.

Kestrels are a small falcon — and not the first falcons I've seen in Regina. (There are also Peregrine Falcons that nest on City Hall.)

These birds are also (to my eye) a gorgeous mix of black, slate blue, reddish and pale spotted feathers. But yes, they are raptors; and yes, they hunt...

Pair of American Kestrels, near Lumsden, Saskatchewan.
(The male, left, has far more blue-gray, 

than the female, right.)  © SB 
American Kestrel on a power wire.  © SB 

What are these? American Kestrels 

Location: Saskatchewan, Canada: In Regina, and near Lumsden.  
Photo date: September 8, 2013, and April 21, 2012. 


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