
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mountain Bluebirds in the Qu'Appelle Valley

Yeah! Mountain Bluebirds have arrived in the valley north of Regina, Saskatchewan! 

We went for a drive this afternoon to look for Mountain Bluebirds and saw a flock of a dozen or more flitting around a group of trees. The males are oh-so-bright and easy to see, but there were many females, too — although most were more brown than blue. 

My first Mountain Bluebird picture of the year!  
And what a lovely bright male!  © SB

None of the Bluebirds we saw were on fences or near the nest boxes that are scattered along the route we took through the Qu'Appelle Valley. Instead, they flew and settled on the trees.

These Mountain Bluebirds, then, are likely passing through on their way to parts norths. Those few who are staying to nest along Rte 99 (from Craven to Highway 6) or near the old church on the other side of the valley have perhaps not yet settled in.

Yeah, for Mountain Bluebirds!!!

What are these? Mountain Bluebirds 
Location: Along Rte 99, between Craven and Highway 6, north of Regina, Saskatchewan
Photo dates: March 24, 2014. 



  1. What a gorgeous photo of this bright blue traveler! Your post makes me yearn to be back in southern Alberta! We, here in Nova Scotia, are bracing for tomorrow's blizzard. Perhaps I should follow the bluebirds.

  2. Great Shot & Lovely Bird! Here in SW Michigan, I was able to photograph a couple Eastern Bluebirds on the dunes of Lake Michigan in early January. They were feeding on the sumac. Apparently some never fly south. Exciting to photograph!


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